Rom 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first the Jews then the Gentiles.

Monday 7 May 2012

On the Road Again

Well, here i am.
I know i know. it been too long but at least im here. And to be honest im not too sure how much longer it will be until i will post again. i just want to share a few things with you real quick.

First an update.
Im here in America. Yeah, im surprised too. My dad is somewhere in europe, either Berlin or London i think and my wee mammy is in jerusalem Israel. we are all over the place and we all miss each other so much. Im here with this friend of mine called Nate Bramsen working with a ministry called Unfiltered. Unfiltered is among other things a series of podcasts which aim to challenge people across north America and indeed throughout the world to become unconditional followers of Christ. we are asking tough questions like "What if Jesus actually meant what he said?" and if he did, how different would our lives actually look!

here is some things God has been teaching me that i hope will encourage you!

Blessing- Blessed are the poor in spirit, the merciful, the meek... sometimes we feel blessed when God gives us something but i believe that blessing is when we acknowledge our incapability and then the sufficiency of Jesus christ. just let that sink in. only when we are broken and are totally relient on the father is it when we are most blessed and most capable. "but he said to me ' my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness' therefore i will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthains 12:9

so when you feel in need of blessing the most thats the time when you should through yourself into his will and be broken before him.
God is good eh!?

Saturday 27 August 2011

Well well well

It has been a while since I have posted anything on this blog site! However r upon reviewing my stats I am very very pleased and slightly shocked to see that my ratings are relatively good, so thank you! Life has rapidly changed in the past lot of months. All for the better. I am moving to israel quite soon to see what God has in store for me there! I will write soon to tell anybody who is interested what is happening with m life!

U til then, God bless!

Wednesday 4 May 2011


This is a message for people like me. for people who go to church on a sunday. This is a message that i didn't plan to write. This is a message that i pray is Gods! This is a message for young adults and teenagers, for a new generation. This is a message for church kids.

What is the church of God today? what is Christianity? its just an institution right? just a label. now some of us me included like to think of ourselves a being religious. i like to think i understand what the deal is with God and all that but is what i say truly what is in my heart? we need to RUN we are an emerging generation and we gotta stand up and be counted. "This is a war for the souls or men" and women, and we got be running into that fight. its not easy. its crap. its really tough.

This is something to be taken seriously, we are the church. lets not be another religion, lets share our faith.

check out the video.- Message by Carter Conlon

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Tuesday 25 January 2011


Many Christian theologians through out history have debated weather human beings are as free to influence their own life and destiny as once thought. People such as St Augustine refers to dignity, which is assed to be a gift from God enabling human beings to choose their actions as they have been anointed by God, sanctified by the holy spirit and redeemed by Christ. This means that as human beings we are free to choose and therefore autoumonus and responsible for their actions. Aquinas writes, “man chooses not of necessity but freely” this free will is exercised when Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. Not only are we free to good in this life and therefore affecting our own destiny but also to do bad (sin). This dignity previously mentioned can grow through righteous living but on the same token, immoral behavior can corrupt and tarnish it.  It is a gift from God as humans are made in his likeness and therefore destined to join God as it is given in love it leads to the service of love (supernatural and social dimensions).
   However the omnipotence (all powerful character) and omniscience (all knowing character) of God inhibits some theological thinking. The question formed is; “if God knows all that we will do, is what we do truly voluntary? And if not, how can we be accountable for our actions?”. The founder of the Calvinist church writes “the eternal decree of God” implying that not only does God create human beings so that they can be redeemed but also “for some eternal damnation” is their destiny. Therefore how much free will do human beings really poses? St Augustine echoes this argument by writing the potter has authority over the clay from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for contempt” suggesting the idea of predestination firstly written by St Paul in his letter to the romans chapter 8 “For those God foreknew, he also predestined…” and therefore it could be said that because of God’s omnipotence the fatalism of human beings if out of their control, thus rendering them blameless for their actions… or does it?

   6th century philosophers Boethius and St Thomas Aquinas argued that God is timeless, that is outside the human perception of time “God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow” (Isaiah 39) this means that in a way he has already seen our life run its course almost like watching a movie. For anybody, just because you have seen a movie before and know its ending, doesn’t mean you are going to change the outcome by knowing what happens. It’s the same with human beings and God’s all knowing character (omniscience). So human beings are totally free to influence their own life and destiny.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Hot Like Hell!

Love is perfect, love is kind…
Dating, man what a messed up topic. In Christian settings they are so confusing! There are so many books of the subject and everybody seems to have there bit to say on the subject. In my experiences one Godly person will say “DON’T DATE YOUR TOO YOUNG” and the next Godly person says “DATE A CHRISTAIN ONLY! AAAAARGH!” and to be honest at the end of that I genuinely don’t have a clue what to do.  At the end of the day life is too important to look back on these years with regret.  Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying dating is wrong! However they way our society has twisted dating is massively “unhelpful” to us as Christians.  A lot of the time we look at relationships with worldly eyes rather than Godly eyes. Chasing a girl or guy can be great but things that seem right in the moment can lead to regret. Gods way is the only that does not lead to regret.

My question to you is; Do your unsaved mates see the life you live with Jesus is different from the life they live with out him?

Purity is such a big thing, or should be, but embracing a life of purity isn’t necessarily about saying no to going all the way( read sexed up ), its about the way you think, the way you talk, the jokes you choose to say and even laugh at, what you do in your private life. All this comes out through in our attitude to dating and to the opposite sex.

Dating wasn’t really around during biblical times. You were ether married, betrothed or single. No dating went on which isn’t very helpful to us however it does say a lot about how to relate to each other and about marriage and in that there is lots about being a godly man or woman.

Now in some places like school and even youth group an church there can be a dating culture which may press you into getting into a relationship. And all to often people are chasing after guys and girls for fun, which unfortunately more often than not results in hurt. To often we forget your unmarried years are such a gift from God! When you get married you will be spending the rest of your life married. Here are some questions about dating. What is the point of dating, where its going, what will the outcome be? If the answers are marriage orientated then your somewhere on the right track. God designed us to be in relationships, which are firs and mostly with him. God is the author of love so what’s the point in trying to love someone until God teaches you what perfect love is.



Principles to apply. Take time, no need to rush. Any relationship must start with a friendship. Keep it public -> accountable. Don’t dump your mates once you start dating. They keep your relationship grounded. Be sensible. Spend time in prayer. Avoid anything that could corrupt your purity.

Mistakes- too focused to get the right person, and neglecting being the right person. Get the relationship with God right.  Be Hot like Hell! How to be attractive? Aspire to be Godly. Love God radically. Aspire to marry, but make yourself marriageable!  Aspire to be a leader, start with leading yourself. Learn to love like God does. Guys, be obedient to God, even when it doesn’t make sense. Be a real man by being radical for Jesus. Be hot men of God. =p
Girls, have a passion for God. Beauty creates security. Invest in  a beauty that lasts. Love god with everything. Be who you are. Love on a biblical standard.

Your value comes from God. Love never fails.

biased on a newday seminar

Monday 10 January 2011

out of the Mud- inspired by